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In a marriage of astrology
and high perfumery,
present a monthly selection
that transcends the everyday,
to touch the very essence of the stars.

Each zodiac sign finds its voice
in a selection of fragrances that promise
not only to enchant the senses, but also
to reflect the uniqueness of the wearer.
Campomarzio70 invites you to discover
your celestial olfactory signature, a scented journey
that celebrates the uniqueness of each sign under the stars.


As spring arrives, the sign of Aries awakens, bringing with it the energy of renewal and challenge. This sign, a symbol of courage and adventure, embodies a passion for exploration and the conquest of new horizons. Pantomime Parfume captures this indomitable essence, offering fragrances that are an ode to the inner strength and boldness of those who are not afraid to cross the boundaries of the unknown.


Passion evolves into olfactory notes that evoke ardor and the desire for adventure, creating a deep connection between the ardent soul of the explorer and the infinite beauty of the spring sky.


Free spirits and daring, those under the sign of Aries turn every challenge into an opportunity to shine.
Pantomime fragrances are created to amplify your memories, stories and emotions.
5 acts. 5 sets of scenarios. 5 places to discover.
Each act adds an essential dimension with its finely tuned details to enhance the moods and atmosphere created.

" Throughout April the zodiac energy urges us
to cultivate our dreams, not just chase them:
the best strategy is imagination and practical sense."